Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Good (Lists), The Bad (Lists), and The Ugly (Lists)

Thank goodness for 3-day weekends! Sometimes we just need that extra day.

On Friday evening I pulled out my phalaenopsis-printed list pad and made the mistake of making a list of everything I wanted to accomplish this weekend. It was a long list. I knew that I could not possibly accomplish everything that was on this list, but I wanted to make it a game and see exactly how much of it I could get accomplished.

I take great pleasure in crossing something off a list. If I perform a task that is not on the list, I'll put it on the list just for the satisfaction of crossing it off. I know I'm not the only person out there who does odd things like this either.

Well, if my list was a game, I lost. I didn't get as much done as I had hoped. Which is usually the case when I make a list of things to do. I enjoy making lists, but I know that if I make a list of things to do, I will pretty much jinx myself and not get anything I write down accomplished.

On the topic of lists...

If you asked me what my hobbies were, I would give you a list, and making lists would be on that list. I'm just weird that way. I enjoy making lists: my likes, my dislikes, my desires, even simple things like imaginary grocery lists for state dinners. Reasons why to do things. Reasons why not to do things. I have absolutely no idea where this hobby comes from, but I just accept it. I consider it a unique trait, most others might consider this worrisome for early evolving Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.



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