Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday Shorts



On a regular basis I get to deal with statements like this "The colonic biopsies have an ulcerated neoplasm that is composed of moderately large cells with slightly enlarged nuclei. The latter exhibits moderate hyperchromasia and pleomorphism. Some of the cells have a signet ring configuration with cytoplasmic mucin. The neoplasm is poorly differentiated without well-developed gland formation. Foci of abundant extracellular mucin are also seen."

Also did some networking today so my colleagues in Sacramento don't forget who I am (^ ^).


...While out on a bike ride today. It was a close call, but I'm keeping it in perspective. If I were hit, the damage would have been minimal (I'm assuming). Also I know a few cyclists, but just a few, and I'm sure that they have had closer calls than this. They would probably be rolling their eyes at me. Still, I thank my guardian angels.


I aquired a new one last week. :( My Grandma died. Normally I would post pictures of us, and write up a big tribute like I did when my Uncle Michael died last year, but I can't. It wasn't sudden. It was long, and slow, and absolutely heartbreaking. This past month has been exhausting for my family as you can imagine. We had a rosary for her Friday night and we buried her on Saturday. That's all I have to say about that.


This past Thursday I was able to attend a management seminar. It was awesome. Of course they are supposed to be awesome, that's what our employers pay big money for. But still, I love the high/positive energy that the speakers have. Yeah, I know, it's all part of the gimmick, and they are just glorified used car salesmen (REFUND!?!) that I wouldn't trust with my 15 year old daughter if I had one. But still, it was good. I was reminded of stuff I already knew, but forgot I knew, learned some new tips, and was given some good reading recommendations. Hee-hee, sometimes I forget I have a bachelor's degree in Business Administration ;) That probably explains why I had to take all those accounting and mangagement classes between the ballet and fencing classes. (^ ^)

(last one)


And bonus points, it's NOT a diet soda! It's Lipton's (diet) Green Tea with Citrus. Yum-yum!!!! I hate diet sodas because of the yucky aftertaste. So forever I have been sabotaging my health efforts because I refused to give up my regular Coke. It's my intention to save the Coke for special occasions, or the occasional Crown (or Malibu) and Coke, and take to drinking this tea during those moments when water just won't do. WOO-HOO!

And that concludes the Monday Shorts


I washed my white sports-bras with my red jersey. Guess what color my sports-bras are now?
P-I-N-K! (yeah, I really did)


  • At 4/05/2007, Blogger Courtenay said…

    way to support a company that supports women's cycling (lipton)! i love it!

    now if i could just get cherry coke zero to sponsor a team...

  • At 4/07/2007, Blogger 8675309 said…

    Sorry about your grandma, Vet, and the near-miss. :( Love ya...and I'm glad everything else seems to be going well!

  • At 4/07/2007, Blogger Yvette said…

    Thanks Jenny, my friend. You are truly an amazing woman.

  • At 4/07/2007, Blogger Yvette said…


    You have no idea how jazzed I am that you read my blog! And you even have time to comment! (^ ^). Things like this make me giddy and feel 16 years old again. Wow! and thanks. :)


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