New Venture
I'm going to sign up for a taiko workshop with San Jose Taiko. I'm totally jazzed about doing this.
For those of you who are not familar with taiko, taiko is the historical art of offense and defense with the sword. No...wait, that's fencing. I quit fencing in college. Great fun, did it for about 3 years, but I sucked. Taiko is the art of Japanese drumming. Big drums, very cool.
Here is the course description:
"Want to learn the nuts and bolts of taiko? Join fellow taiko enthusiasts in learning the basics of San Jose Taiko's style in a fun and engaging three-hours workshop. A brief history of taiko is presented and various taiko instruments are introduced. All participants learn a song based on fundamental stance, rhythms, and technique. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED!...You must be at least 15 years of age a capable of fairly rigorous physical activity."
This is such an opportunity for me! I've always wanted to learn taiko, but had no idea where to start. It's not like there are taiko schools all over the place in The No. I'm signing up for the Sunday workshop in December (they're only offered a few times a year). This will give me time to get my car fixed, and get in enough shape for "fairly rigorous physical activity". I have to start now, because I'm going to need all the time available. One thing I've heard about about SJTaiko is that all rehersals include running. What does that tell you? I'm hoping to to use this opportunity to get my foot in the door with Fresno Taiko. If I have a small notion of what I'm doing, maybe they will be kind and let me in (^ ^)
About San Jose Taiko (from their website):
"San Jose Taiko is a world-renowned arts company that performs across North America and the globe sharing the dynamic art form of taiko drumming.... San Jose Taiko's performance style is a fusion of athleticism, musicianship, dance, and martial arts."
If I lived in San Jose, I would so audition to join this company. Hmmm, let's see, what experience do I have?
1. ballet training- 12 yrs
2. modern dance training- 4 yrs
3. played flute (can read music)- 10 yrs
4. played oboe- 2 yrs
5. played drums- 1yrs
6. In 7th grade PE, did a unit on Karate (yeah, I know, really reaching)
Wow, if it weren't for the fact that: a) I don't live in San Jose; b) I'm horrendously out of shape; and c) I'm not Japanese, I would so totally be in!
If SJ wasn't so gosh-darn expensive to live in (an understatement), I might seriously consider relocating there just for the experience and exposure.
Yvette Z.
The Taiko Experience Collector
b (Hmm, I need a taiko logo too)
At 8/28/2006,
Anonymous said…
Yvette, that's awesome!!
At 8/29/2006,
8675309 said…
Super cool!!! I've seen the Kodo group at UCLA...they come around every year. It really looks like fun. When they come next year, you should visit so we can go!!
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