My fingers cannot bear to type these words. Devastation! My heart aches just thinking about it.
Today it was announced that Floyd Landis failed a drug test after stage 17 of the Tour de France.
It's a mistake! I don't believe it! Floyd is innocent! There must be something wrong with the testing.
Floyd's B-sample will be tested, and if it comes back negative, he will be cleared. If it returns positive, Floyd will be stripped of his victory, fired from team Phonak, and most likely be banned from racing for 2yrs.
Floyd says he is innocent. I believe him.
Some already think I'm naive and stupid for believing him. Maybe I am. I don't care. I refuse to become jaded and cynical. I still believe there is good in this world and in people, and in cyclists and cycling. People are so ready to believe that cyclists are dopers. Why can't we entertain the possibility that the tests/testing methods might be faulty?
Unless Floyd confesses to wrong doing, I refuse to believe it.
Yvette Z.
Collecting Support, for Floyd
At 7/27/2006,
Anonymous said…
I so much want to believe he's innocent. The way he's ridden this year has made him the quintessential American rider for me: Strong, confident, soft-spoken, likeable. Since breaking from Postal, he's been one of my favorites. This year, he's been my favorite - by far.
It's very upsetting; so much so that I hate cycling at the Pro Tour level right now.
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