Crazy Saturday
You'll have to pardon the condition of this post. I'm exhausted, and I didn't want to hold off on posting else I'd forget completely.
I wrote this post sitting in my car getting an oil change and I'm typing it now starting at 10:52pm after running around all day getting ready for tomorrow and next week, and immediately after frosting and decorating what feels like 500 cupcakes. (^ ^)
I'm actually thinking of starting another blog. Crazy, yes I know. Part of me says I should, and part of me says I shouldn't.
Since my taiko experience back in December, I've been anxious to get back on the bike. Dec-Jan-Feb, I didn't ride. I am not ashamed to admit that. I dislike riding in foul weather. To those of you who ride come hell or high water, I applaud you and call you rockstars, but it's just not for me.
Since March, the weather has been nicer and I've been more inclined to ride. At the end of February, I donated blood, so as my bone marrow is rebuilding red blood cells, I'm feeling more and more energetic. I will also admit that spending a Saturday at a bike race really inspired me to get back on the bike. A big thank you to all the cyclists who came out that day to race in our humble little Fresburg.
Sorry, getting off track a bit. What I've been trying to say is that lately, a lot of my thoughts have been about cycling, and more specifically about my efforts getting back on the bike and in shape. More miles means better shape = more energy and strength for taiko....
That's why I am contemplating starting a separate cycling-focused blog.
I'm still not sure though, because I don't want to alienate my non-cycling readers (which is EVERYONE except Tony & Coutenay) when I haven't posted on "Blossoms" in 3 months because I'm too busy riding or writing about riding. YET, I don't want to go on and on and on, on this blog, and bore everyone to death. Sigh, I already have this blog AND my myspace page, so do I really want to add ANOTHER blog to it? Oh decisions, decisions....
So, an hour early, it's 11:08pm now- Happy Easter, I hope everyone has a pleasant day tomorrow.
Oh, I mentioned next week. I'm leaving for Modesto for a week, for work. I'll be doing casefinding at a local pathology lab. I can't remember if at our hotel we'll have access to a computer- I don't have a personal laptop. Some hotels have business centers, some don't. So, if you don't hear from me this week, then the answer is no access. Sorry (>_<).
In case you were wondering, OF COURSE those cupcakes have PINK frosting on them (^ ^)
You'll have to pardon the condition of this post. I'm exhausted, and I didn't want to hold off on posting else I'd forget completely.
I wrote this post sitting in my car getting an oil change and I'm typing it now starting at 10:52pm after running around all day getting ready for tomorrow and next week, and immediately after frosting and decorating what feels like 500 cupcakes. (^ ^)
I'm actually thinking of starting another blog. Crazy, yes I know. Part of me says I should, and part of me says I shouldn't.
Since my taiko experience back in December, I've been anxious to get back on the bike. Dec-Jan-Feb, I didn't ride. I am not ashamed to admit that. I dislike riding in foul weather. To those of you who ride come hell or high water, I applaud you and call you rockstars, but it's just not for me.
Since March, the weather has been nicer and I've been more inclined to ride. At the end of February, I donated blood, so as my bone marrow is rebuilding red blood cells, I'm feeling more and more energetic. I will also admit that spending a Saturday at a bike race really inspired me to get back on the bike. A big thank you to all the cyclists who came out that day to race in our humble little Fresburg.
Sorry, getting off track a bit. What I've been trying to say is that lately, a lot of my thoughts have been about cycling, and more specifically about my efforts getting back on the bike and in shape. More miles means better shape = more energy and strength for taiko....
That's why I am contemplating starting a separate cycling-focused blog.
I'm still not sure though, because I don't want to alienate my non-cycling readers (which is EVERYONE except Tony & Coutenay) when I haven't posted on "Blossoms" in 3 months because I'm too busy riding or writing about riding. YET, I don't want to go on and on and on, on this blog, and bore everyone to death. Sigh, I already have this blog AND my myspace page, so do I really want to add ANOTHER blog to it? Oh decisions, decisions....
So, an hour early, it's 11:08pm now- Happy Easter, I hope everyone has a pleasant day tomorrow.
Oh, I mentioned next week. I'm leaving for Modesto for a week, for work. I'll be doing casefinding at a local pathology lab. I can't remember if at our hotel we'll have access to a computer- I don't have a personal laptop. Some hotels have business centers, some don't. So, if you don't hear from me this week, then the answer is no access. Sorry (>_<).
In case you were wondering, OF COURSE those cupcakes have PINK frosting on them (^ ^)
At 4/10/2007,
Anonymous said…
REGUARDLESS if you start a new BLOG ride ride ride and invite me to come with you some time ...
Ive been a good boy and im doing alot of riding hills and trails too
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