Hair Documentation
Well, Halloween is upon us, so it is time to document my hair. I bought a hair magazine today, so I really intend to go through with this. I just hope whichever kid(s) gets my hair, they enjoy it as much as I have. I admit, I'm going to miss it, but not miss the pain of washing it (^ ^)
Okay, a big whoa just happened to me. I was going to paste a link to the Locks of Love website, but it's not there. Where'd it go? I hope they are still there. Man, if they're not out there anymore.... Okay Yvette, don't panic. Maybe it's just down for server maintenance. Yeah, maintenance (*_*)
Yvette Z.
The Hair Collector

At 10/31/2006,
Anonymous said…
Your hair is amazingly long!!!! How short are you going to cut it?
At 11/01/2006,
Unknown said…
oh, the cutting of the hair. Big move. I remember cutting my hair short after many years of having it long; I was both happy and sad. It certainly was easier to care for. Anyways, it does grow back and if you give it away, I'm sure whomever gets it will be very very happy.
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