Hi, It's Me (gentle ramblings)
I'm neglecting my blog, I know. And actually I am a little sorry. Just a little. Things are still going great- I'm still smiling (^ ^) <-- see!
We went to an all you can eat sushi place on Saturday. Yummmmmmmmy! All the sake nigiri my heart desired. The company was just as pleasureable :) (okay, a little bit more)
I've been thinking a bit about self-discipline since Thursday. About its origins. Is it learned or inherent? I might have to go to the library and see if there are any books on the subject. From a psychological/neurological perspective, not a self-help one. I'm sure there is, probably hundreds. I'm just curious. I was inspired to investigate after watching my SJT (San Jose Taiko) DVD, and reading some cycling blogs talking on the subject of intervals. So if you see me at the library, say hi! ;)
On a professional level, I'm getting wild ideas in my head. Ideas like going back to school. In recent conversations, I was discussing somatic methods/techniques I had learned about when I was a dance major. Methods like The Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais (Functional Integration), and other methods that study the alignment of the body and the awareness of the body through space. Back in the day I had briefly contemplated majoring in physical therapy. I ultimately chose information systems. Now I'm wondering if it's not too late to go back. I have no roots to to keep me grounded- no husband, no kids, no huge mortgage. It's just an idea. I may forget completely about it next week, but this week, it's weighing on my mind. I've been reminded of how much I miss being in "my body" as opposed to being in "my mind" as my current career path has taken me.
This is an old dilema for me. If I remember my college campus tours correctly, Stanford University called this being either fuzzy or techie. Fuzzies were the liberal arts majors, and techies were the science and technology majors. I couldn't decide which one I was. I guess I still can't.
That's all. I'm just killing time waiting for The Tonight Show to come on. Maz Jobrani is scheduled to perform. He cracks me up! :)
"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."
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