iPod Post pt 3
Okay, so I bought my iPod on Wednesday during my lunch break, and was just thrilled. I got it home and plugged it into my computer so I could charge it. After a couple of hours, my new iPod was fully charge, but uh-oh, my computer wasn't recognizing the iPod. Oh shit!!!!
Okay, let me tell you about my computer. I bought it right after I bought my car. I paid off my car this past March. So, in computer years, my computer is..... old. It originally had a 20Gb hard drive, 128Mb of RAM, and still isn't USB 2.0. I've upgraded my hard drive and RAM, but the USB, meh. (I need a new computer, but I'm scared of Vista)
So now I'm ready to go into pitch a fit mode. I'm hoping my only issue the USB thing. I have an open slot in my computer, I guess I could go to CompUSA and buy something to fix it (I sound so gosh darn technical, don't I?) So, I go online to take a look around. Very lucky for me, I am spied online by my friend, fellow cyclist (if I can still call myself one these days), and former colleague Carlos. Carlos knows all things Apple. If he can't help me, I'm screwed.
I tell Carlos my troubles and ask for his assistance. In all his Apple wisdom, he asks me one simple question: What version of iTunes are you running? Hell if I know. So I click Help > About, and check out the version. I'm running v4.0. I heard his laughter from Northern California. The most current version of iTunes is v7.5. I guess I'm a little behind the times. He tells me to update and try again, we'll go from there.
So I download v7.5 and install. Voila!!!! Hello Yvette Z.'s iPod!!!! *whew*
Now my iPod is set up and ready to be filled with all my beautiful music. So what do you think I uploaded first? Take a guess. If you know me, you know my song.
Yes, this is a crappy picture. My batteries in my digital camera died so I took a picture of my iPod with my phone's camera. Here's what it says:
In Your Eyes
Peter Gabriel
1 of 1
Of course, after taking the picture, I uploaded the entire album plus a couple others. When I sat down to listen, the first song I listened to was In Your Eyes, and the first album I listened to in it's entirety was So.
As of right now, I have 8 albums loaded for a total of 93 songs. I'll give updates as I gain progress. Oh, and as far as my iPod is concerned, I have 73.6Gb free. I have less than a gig of music on my player, I don't really know where my missing gigs went. *shrug*
"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."
At 12/09/2007,
Anonymous said…
Good thing you didn't try to go to CompUSA. From what I understand, they went under!
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