Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Friday Luck

Nothing serious, just something cute to share. Yesterday, when I left work for lunch, there was a praying mantis on the roof of my car. I wish I had my camera with me, I would have taken a picture of it. They're good luck, so I've heard. I didn't want to shoo it off my car or drive off with it still on my car, so I went back inside and Gerri gave me a piece of paper to scoop it up with. As I was trying to scoop it up, Charlotte (aka Princess Loud, er, Lowd) returned from lunch and helped me. The mantis wouldn't go on the paper, so it flew away. Bye-bye little mantis.

Yvette Z.
The Luck Collector



  • At 7/17/2006, Blogger Unknown said…

    Are you sure that wasn't a sign that Floyd would win the Tour on the second to last stage in the ITT using the Praying Landis?

  • At 7/19/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The name of the street was actually Lowd even though it is still pronounced loud. Thanks for the shout out!


  • At 7/20/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the "curse broken" entry made me feel you should be a writer SNL or something on comedy central. I was laughing outloud while reading. Just a thought.

    Princess Lowd


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