Back on May 17, 2006, I blogged about cancer read here. I let the Lance Armstrong foundation know about it as they requested. To my very pleasant surprise, they linked my blog to their website see here.
This is very cool. My face is absolutely beamming, and I have a grin from ear to ear. I don't think I've been this estatic about something since Darren Ray Nelson knocked on my door back in 1989! (^ ^)
I just wanted to let you all know. You know how I feel about Lance.
Mark suggested that this could count as being published see my 43 Things. I don't think so. In my mind I wanted to be published for writing something work-related and somewhat technical. Yes, finding a cure for cancer is my work, but the Lance Armstrong Foundation is a cause I'm passionate about.
On unrelated topics, go back abit and read my entry on pennies. I wrote it and accidentally left it in draft mode and didn't catch it until today. Also, keep and eye out for a new and improved 43 things. Some items are going to be shifted to a new list, and a new item (but not new idea) is going to be added to the list. Stay tuned!
Yvette Z.
The Passionate Collector
At 7/12/2006,
Unknown said…
You should be proud of Livestong linking you. That was a great post! But who is this Darren Nelson person you speak of? (sorry, i live in chico under a rock or something.)
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