All of Them Butchers
This morning I stopped at Starbucks for some coffee. I really hate the part where they ask my name to write on the cup.
I usually say my name and then spell it for them. Yvette. Y-v-e-t-t-e.
IS THAT SO FLIPPING HARD?????? (in my best Napoleon Dynamite accent) GOSH!!!!!!
Apparently, it is.
Today it was spelled Y-v-e-t-t. The barista who handed me my cup took it another step further, he pronounced it "you-et". I guess he thought the v was a u.
I'm a bit sensitive about my name, its spelling, and its pronounciation. I don't think it's hard, but a lot of people have trouble with it. It's pronounced with a long e. EEEE-vet. Not Yeh-vet, or Ih-vet (short i like the i in is), or Yah-vet. I'm truly amazed how many people can correctly say Yvonne, but not Yvette. What's the difference????
In the past, I've made up easy names to spare myself from the pain. I'll tell them Eve or I'll give them my porn star name Sandy Ashcroft (your first pet's name and the street you grew up on). I've even tried my nickname that most of my friends and family call me, Vet, but that gets just as confusing for those poor cashiers.
AND DON'T EVEN SUGGEST THAT I GO BY MY MIDDLE NAME EITHER!!!!! That, my friends, is even more unpronounceable. I don't even tell people what my middle name is anymore. My friends from high school may remember it, but none of them can pronounce it. Outside of my immediate family, there was only one person who could pronounce it right. And when he would send chills down my spine.
So, as of Monday, I'm changing my name to Ann Smith. Hmmm, maybe I should just crank it up to 11 and change my name to Sakura Utsunomiya or Itxaro Etxabeguren.
The Nameless Collector
At 7/14/2006,
Anonymous said…
Funny, I would have never thought your name was a hard one to pronounce!
Princess Lowd
At 7/14/2006,
Unknown said…
That's why Antonio Estevao Rocha Jr = tony.
And for people who need a visual, I point first to my toe and then to my knee, toe-knee. If that doesn't work typically my hand upside their head makes the point.
At 7/14/2006,
8675309 said…
Isela. "ee-SEHy-la." Am I close?
People get my name wrong, too...and it's only Jenny.
At 7/15/2006,
Yvette said…
Hey! You remembered how to spell it Jenny, my friend! The pronounciation is close. No h, no y. Just ee-SE-la.
At 7/19/2006,
Anonymous said…
Aw, Jenny beat me to it!
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