Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Monday, November 06, 2006

1 Down 42 To Go....

Remember my 43 Things? Well, this past October 28th and 31st I knocked an item off my list! I wore a sari for a day! Okay, 10/28 was only from 5pm-1am and 10/31 was 8am-5pm, but it's close enough. Sleeping hours shouldn't count. My colleague Mary "The Extraordinary" Axeworthy took some pictures on Halloween and I'll be sure to post those once I get them from her. Now, for your amusement, I give you Yvette: Bollywood Princess (^ ^)

I had this costume especially made for me, and it was made con amor. I'll have to wear it for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years to get full use of the price I paid for the material!


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