My 43 Things
As some of you may know, I'm growing my hair long for donating. A few of my colleagues donated their hair to Locks of Love, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Why not? It's for a good cause and I've always been told I have healthy hair.
Today I was doing some research to see if there were any other organizations out there besides Locks of love ( In my Google search, I came upon the website 43 Things (
Basically it's just a site where users can post a their lists of 43 things to do. I've found heaven!!!!! A website of LISTS!!!!! Well, it got me thinking about my 43 things.
In no particular order:
01. Donate my hair
02. Learn Japanese
03. Ride a century
04. Buy a condo
05. Hike Half-Dome
06. Meet Lance Armstrong
07. Take ballet lessons (again)
08. Give up soda (permanently)
09. Learn to play guitar
10. Get a tattoo
11. Move to N. California
12. Spend a weekend at a spa
13. See Peter Gabriel in concert
14. Learn to tune-up my own car
15. See the Grand Canyon
16. DRIVE to Washington to visit my friend Deanna
17. Pet a tiger
18. See a ghost - but just once.
19. Go scuba diving
20. Learn to drive a motorcycle
21. Take my mom to Yosemite
22. Be a bridesmaid
23. Go skiing
24. Have an article published in a journal
25. Write a short story
26. Participate in a big charity/fund-raising project (i.e. AIDS ride, Team in Training, Ride for the Roses)
27. Learn to ballroom dance- the latin dances!
28. Take a wine-tasting class
29. Visit the Japanese gardens in Kyoto, Japan
30. Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge (and back)
31. Get my passport
32. Catch a fish
33. Compete in a bicycle race
34. Visit Devil's Postpile
35. Inspire someone to take a risk
36. Learn Taiko drumming
37. Take a cake decorating class
38. Introduce a couple (to each other)
39. Learn to make sushi
40. Become REALLY GOOD at yoga
41. Ride Climb to Kaiser- and finish
42. Wear a sari for a day
43. Go to Madonna del Ghisallo chapel in Italy
I wonder why they set the number at 43? Personally I think it would have been more auspicious if the number was set at 42. Hee-hee, it probably would have been copyright infringment or something (^ ^)
At 5/12/2006,
Yvette said…
Steve you are SO BAD!!! I'm telling your mother ;)
At 5/16/2006,
Anonymous said…
I cant believe Lance is number SIX What the *#@!&*(
At 5/16/2006,
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah that previous postwas me Charlotte te-he
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