Monday Crazies
Relay For Life Info
This post could just as easily be called "The Mind Is Willing, But the Flesh Is Weak, part 6,923"
Today I am sick beyond belief, beyond repair. :( Okay, not true. I can be repaired with a heating pad and an entire bottle of Midol.
When I got home from work, my brain said: "Hey, lets go for a bike ride."
My heart said: "Yeah! That's a great idea!"
My body said: "No f**king way."
After some serious negotiations, some idle threats, and some bribery, all of my body parts compromised and settled on some good time on the trainer. After that, I did some arm strength training because it's less than a month until my next taiko workshop.
I've got my next Tuesday quote all ready to go. I just have to wait until tomorrow. In my research I came across some other quotes, and man have they got me thinking.
Do you ever think too much? I do. Do you ever think so much that the heat from the cogs spinning, things around you accidently catch on fire? Okay, maybe that has never happened to me, but I swear I came close once. I think fast in my head too. Too fast. Sometimes I think of something to say, and the complete thought will form, express itself, then disappear, before I even have a chance to open my mouth. It feels like my neurons aren't firing fast enough and the messages aren't able to get from point A to point B. Hmm, it's probably why I don't say much and usually just stand there and smile. LOL, that was funny. Anyone who knows me knows that I can talk for hours and hours and hours.
That's all. I didn't really have anything important or witty to say today. Somedays I just don't. But I just wanted to post today. Say hi. Hi :)
"Apres moi le deluge"
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