Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday Crazies

Relay For Life Info

This post could just as easily be called "The Mind Is Willing, But the Flesh Is Weak, part 6,923"

Today I am sick beyond belief, beyond repair. :( Okay, not true. I can be repaired with a heating pad and an entire bottle of Midol.

When I got home from work, my brain said: "Hey, lets go for a bike ride."

My heart said: "Yeah! That's a great idea!"

My body said: "No f**king way."

After some serious negotiations, some idle threats, and some bribery, all of my body parts compromised and settled on some good time on the trainer. After that, I did some arm strength training because it's less than a month until my next taiko workshop.

I've got my next Tuesday quote all ready to go. I just have to wait until tomorrow. In my research I came across some other quotes, and man have they got me thinking.

Do you ever think too much? I do. Do you ever think so much that the heat from the cogs spinning, things around you accidently catch on fire? Okay, maybe that has never happened to me, but I swear I came close once. I think fast in my head too. Too fast. Sometimes I think of something to say, and the complete thought will form, express itself, then disappear, before I even have a chance to open my mouth. It feels like my neurons aren't firing fast enough and the messages aren't able to get from point A to point B. Hmm, it's probably why I don't say much and usually just stand there and smile. LOL, that was funny. Anyone who knows me knows that I can talk for hours and hours and hours.

That's all. I didn't really have anything important or witty to say today. Somedays I just don't. But I just wanted to post today. Say hi. Hi :)


"Apres moi le deluge"


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