Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Monday, February 20, 2006

Forgotten Post

Sometimes I can’t always get to my computer, so I’ll write down my thoughts on paper until I can get online. Here is a lost thought from Sunday, February 12th.

Putting Things in Perspective

Today after having coffee with my closest friends, James and Katie, I went for a bike ride at the park. At this point I must confess, this was my first bike ride OUTSIDE. All my miles so far this year have been imagined. That is—all my riding up to today has been indoors on my trainer.

So today was my official first ride of the season. This inaugural ride I dedicated in honor of and in memory of my Uncle Michael.

Having never spent time on a trainer before this year, the difference between carpet & Alien Nation, and real pavement, wind, gravity, & resistance, was sincerely mind blowing. I really felt like I sucked. I felt like I hadn’t been riding my bike at all this year.

But as I sit here post-ride and post-shower, I am reminded of the words of Natasha Rizopoulos: “…[T]ake the action. Let go of the result.” In letting go of the result, I was able to focus on the good parts of my ride. My few miles were better than zero miles. I was outside in the park UNDER THE SUN. I am reminded to not give up, that in time I will get stronger. I'll be able to rider longer and farther with each day that I ride.

Take the action. Let go of the result.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Saturday's Quote

"And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

-- Currently Unknown

May we all find courage and take the risk to blossom.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Today's Quote + Update

We'll do the update first- While in Michigan, my mom fell down and bumped her head, bruised her ribs, and broke her good arm. It was a very scary moment for my sister and me. The hospital in Holland didn't want to treat her so they splinted her arm up, and sent her home. We had to wait for her to return to California before we could do anything serious about it. Believe it or not, it could have been a lot worse, seriously, a lot worse.

Today's Quote:

"The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free."

-- Oprah Winfrey


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sunday's Quote

"A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes."

-- Hugh Downs


Saturday, February 11, 2006

My Uncle Michael


Thursday, while I was working in Modesto, my sister called me to let me know that my Uncle Michael died early that morning. Uncle Michael Grimaldo is my mom's baby brother. He was born 44 years ago with Cerebral Palsy. Although he was severely handicapped, to me, he never let that get in his way. He may not have been able to walk or talk clearly, his mind was very sharp. He went to high school and college, had jobs, was on a bowling team, and he lived on his own (with assistance) until he died. And my uncle... he knew how to party. (^ ^)

The Grimaldo's, by nature, are artists and artisans. My uncle was a poet. I have a book of his poems, but it's put away in a box right now. I'll have to dig some of them up and post them someday. He wrote of his struggles, and his love of life. Words I have always appreciated and will cherish forever.

I have this wonderful memory of us from the spring of 1988. I was 14 and in the 9th grade. Our California family took a family vactation to Disneyland and my Uncle Michael came down from Michigan to join us. We drove to Anaheim, making stops along the way to visit various extended family members. I remember sitting next to my uncle and on the radio hearing George Michael's "Father Figure". We sang that song together, it was so fun. It was just one of those warm fuzzy moments that was between just him and me. Everytime I hear that song, I remember that evening.

Last time I saw him, was this past June in Michigan. I flew up for my cousins wedding. The days before I left for Michigan, I was so excited. I kept saying "I'm going to see my Uncle Michael, I'm going to see my Uncle Michael, I'm going to see my Uncle Michael". I kept saying it to my family, to my co-workers (who probably got tired of hearing me say it), and to my friends. When I finally got to see him at a family BBQ (see picture), we were so happy to see each other.

The funeral is this Sunday and Monday in Holland, Michigan. Unfortunately, my sister and I are not able to attend. Last minute tickets to travel 2300 miles are pretty damn expensive, and my family lives very modestly and my mom is on a fixed income. So, instead, my sister and I pooled our money together, and with the help of the rest of our family, sent my mother, and another family member, to Michigan. My mother is disabled and cannot travel alone, so we sent as an attendant, a family member who was not able to go to Michigan back in June. She missed her last opportunity to see Uncle Michael, so it seemed right to send her so she could say goodbye.

I love my Uncle Michael, and I'm going to miss him very much. I will cherish every memory I have of him. This unexpected death (probable pneumonia) has hit my family very hard, it is heartbreaking. The only thing that consoles me is knowing that my uncle is in heaven with my grandma and grandpa and my Uncle Mingo. He is no longer in a wheelchair and all six feet of him is running, doing cartwheels, riding a bike, climbing trees, swimming.

He no longer struggles. He no longer suffers. He is free from his earthly bonds.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Quote of the Day

"When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly."

-- Edward Teller

Greetings from Modesto! Thank goodness for Kinkos. I really need to buy myself a laptop so I can spend my evenings at the local Starbucks. (^ ^)
