Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Okay, this is a movie recommendation that is two years too late!

Today, as I'm home sick from work, I FINALLY saw the movie Primer.

I thought it was awesome. Also not nearly as confusing as I was led to believe.

Funny piece of trivial info- I was sent an email from someone I used to know, who had seen the movie. This email contained a summary of the plot. I did not read this email, because I knew I would eventually see the movie and I didn't want it spoiled. I didn't delete the email either because I knew I would need it, should I be completely lost on what was going on. So today I jumped online, and finally read this email I have been holding on to since....

Monday, November 01, 2004 10:42am.

And not even once was I ever tempted to read the email.

Cool. Creepy, but cool.

So, if you haven't had an opportunity to see this movie, I think you should do so.

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday Quote 05-29-07

"It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing."
--Oriah Mountain Dreamer

And on other thoughts:

I like mustard. Lots of different kinds. I like regular French's mustard. I like stone ground mustard. I like honey mustard. I even like hot mustard-- but only in small amounts because I am a chili-wimp. Yeah, I know, bad mexican. I've tried Jack Daniel's mustard, but Sierra Nevada mustard is better ;)

I'm not sure why I like mustard, I guess I just like its zesty-ness. hee-hee :)

PS- I'm having a bad cell phone day. I left for work, without my phone. Had to remedy that. Then I left work, without my phone. Had to go back to the office. Sheesh....

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Friday, May 25, 2007

Breaking (my heart) News

This is not a usual Blossoms post. Sometimes you get a thought or idea stuck in your head that it is all you can think about. It is a thought that makes you run home on your lunch break, just so you can blog about it.

Of course this is all my fault, and I should have seen it coming. Not necessarily what happened, just how I knew I was going to react.

I have a weakness/fault/bad habit of putting people on pedestals. I think of them as without fault, on the moral high ground, and selfless, just to name a few extrememly high expectations. I don't know where it came from. Maybe I watched too much Due South in college. Maybe I was born too trusting, too naive, too willing to see the best of people and to ignore the worst of them.

I'm sure you've heard the saying about people on pedestals have feet of clay? And when it comes crashing down it makes a big ole mess. You start seeing people for who they really are and then you're left standing there wondering "what the hell was I thinking?" It's so disappointing it nearly breaks your heart.

Well, that's how this week is turning out to be. Men (I've put) on pedestals, or should I say pedalstals are showing the world their dark side and disappointing a lot of cycling fans. Yesterday's confession of my Z-man, Erik Zabel, broke my heart. This morning's confession of Bjarne Riis, the 1996 winner of the Tour de France left me speechless. Made me want to go home and crawl under my covers until August.

I hate what I fear this will do to me. I'm already being cynical, wondering who will confess tomorrow? Who else is doping? Who else had doped? There are other names out there, names I dare not speak outloud, that if they were to admit to doping, I would be devastated.

I am not casting stones here, nor calling for a witchhunt. I'm just so....disappointed. And tired. Tired of being let down.

What the hell was I thinking?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday Hat Trick

Paradise is exactly like where you are right now, only much, much, better.

Okay, I don't know why I typed that, only that I've had that song on my mind all day today. *shrug*

I felt the need for a hat trick today, so please, just smile and say okay.

Tuesday's quotes:

"Life is overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out the old to make room for the new to enter."
-- Eileen Caddy

"Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go."
--Sylvia Robinson

"If you want something you've never had before, you've got to do something you've never done before."
--Drina Reed

"Language is a Virus"

Monday, May 21, 2007


Soul, I hear you calling......

Beautiful Lengths

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Thought I Wasn't Coming Back, Didn't You?

Shows what you know! ;) I'm teasing. It was a good weekend. The only thing is, now I can't remember where I was. :(

Now I remember: San Jose part 1 and 3, and Bike 2 Work Day.

Okay, I'm going to start with Bike 2 Work Day since it's brief:

For those of you who didn't know, Last week was Ride your bike to work week, and Thursday was Ride 2 Work Day. I didn't ride my bike on Monday, because I was sore and tired from my taiko/Mother's Day weekend. Since I made a promise to Francisco about not driving on Monday, I kept that promise by-- not driving. I walked to work that day. It felt really good on my poor legs. I was moving, but it felt like I was trying to walk through hip-high water. Tuesday through Thursday I rode my bike.

For Ride 2 Work Day My company entered a corporate challenge with the Fresno County Bicycle Coalition, and we formed a small team. The smallest in our division, 5 members: Capt. Francisco, Susan, Lesley, Mark and me :) Of course we came in last place, the goal being the team to ride the most miles. I didn't help because I only live 2 miles away from work. Next year I'm going to cheat by spending the night in Sanger and then riding in ;) Yeah, right. Anyways it was a worth-while event and we had fun. You already saw the pictures, but if you want to see them again, click here.

I will admit, Friday, I did not ride in. I overslept. Woke up with a really bad case of anal glaucoma. Once I got to the office, I had to self-medicate with some Rockstar. I hate those flair-ups. ;)

I think that's it for this topic. If I think of anything more, I'll let you know.

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Change Of Plans

I had planned on a nice quiet evening in front of my computer tonight, catching up on my blogging. But it's going to have to wait until tomorrow. Something has come up.

Tonight I have a date.

And no, there will not be any recap post on this date, so don't even ask.

(The only reason it's worth mentioning at all is because I took myself completely off the market for the last 18 months for some serious ME time. So this is my first venture out again.)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Friday, May 18, 2007

I've Been Busy

Yeah, I know. But I've been busy. I have lots of stuff to blog about right now too, so it kind of sucks that I'm busy.

I need to finish telling you about San Jose, and now I have to blog about Bike to Work Day that was yesterday.

I should get blogging again over the weekend, so feel free to check back soon (^ ^)

BTW- I'm very envious of male commuters right now, they don't have to deal with hair, makeup, and pantyhose issues!

Here are some Team CHC photos from yesterday. Yes, I am THAT short! ;)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


It's LIVESTRONG Day again. Click the links to find out what you can do in the fight against cancer.

Lance Armstrong Foundation

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday Quote Plus Post

The reason I am able to post today is because I didn't go to Tuesday ladies' night. I worked late today. Well, not really worked late. I just spent some extra time at work today. If you didn't already know, May is bike month and this week is ride your bike to work week. So, today I rode my bike to work. The riding part is no big deal. I live 2 miles away from work and it took me 10 minutes to get there at average 12mph. It took me longer to gear up than to ride. Since I wasn't going far, I didn't wear any bike shorts, just my baggy capries. Wearing "not cycling shorts" made me feel like something out of Quicksilver. Well, almost. The pink jersey and pink socks kind of takes away from the toughness ;)

Once I got to work, I had to get "presentable" for work. This was the hard part. I don't know how female bike commuters do it. I could sure use some pointers. The complex my office is located isn't commuter friendly- no showers, no plugs in the ladies' room. I had to learn that one the hard way as I was trying to plug-in my flat iron. And guess who wasn't wearing ANY makeup today? That would be me (>_<). To encourage us employees in this endeavor, the bosses that be relaxed the dress code for all participants- hence the capries. (Am I even spelling that right?) Under normal circumstances, I would have to be professionally dressed. I would consider commuting more often if I thought that I could clean up suffient enough without smelling sweaty or looking all wrinkled. For office days I could be good with that. Days I have to go to hospitals or path labs, it wouldn't work out.
A self-portrait of my baggy capri-style pants and my new pink socks. (^ ^) Not quite Lance Armstrong length, but half way there. Okay I prefer the lower cut socks.

On to today's quote:

"Yesterday is ashes; tomorrow is wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly."
-Old Eskimo proverb

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Monday, May 14, 2007

Taiko: Part Deux

Okay, a little bit of organizational clarification: This could be one big long post, but I'm not going to do that to you. If you know me and love me, you are used to my long conversations and my ability to keep you up until 3am talking about absolutely nothing. If you don't know me and love me, then you will overdose on Yvette if I don't protect you. I am like a drug. I fill your mind with thoughts and ideas, then I leave. You are left feeling haunted-- or at least mildly perterbed. Some people have flashbacks of me years later and wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Others have the hair on the backs of their necks stand up, and get intense feelings of dread everytime Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" plays on the radio. I don't do this on purpose. I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way. ;)

Anyways, what I am going to do is split this one big post into 3 smaller posts. Notice I said smaller, not small. One post will be on some thoughts I had on the way up to San Jose. One post will be on the workshop. The last post will be on everything I did after the workshop. I'm not going to be doing this in order either because I want to talk about the workshop first. So on to the post!

I pulled into the public parking lot around 9:30. I was early. This particular lot was a block away from Okida Hall, and was not the same parking lot I used the first time I was here. Since it was Saturday, the closer lot wasn't free, and you could only park for two hours at a time. Our workshop was three hours, and I didn't want to have to think about running out to pump some quarters in a meter. Also, I was more familiar with the neighborhood this time, so I felt safe leaving my car down the street.

On my way to the hall, I stopped off at a Japanese grocery store for a bottled water. It was a really cute store. The cashier who helped me reminded me of a woman I had met after I graduated from Fresno State. Her name was Meesh and she was an aspiring pharmacist. Her parents also owned a kick-ass Chinese restaurant that I used to love to eat at.

I arrived at Okida Hall and entered immediately. I was ready to have some fun! It was a little weird, knowing already what to expect. As the other participants started arriving, I could tell they were... Hmm, not sure how to explain it. It wasn't nervousness, it was simply not knowing what to expect. That's how I felt my first time- I was excited to be there, but had no idea what I was in for.

This time it was different. I knew the general outline of how the workshop was going to play out. What I didn't know was how I was going to do. A lot of things were different. I had been training for this day: I got back on the bike, I was lifting weights (actually small dumbells), I was walking (to taiko music) on my breaks at work. I wanted to avert the serious breakdown my body had after my first workshop. I had to call in sick to work because I couldn't move, I was so sore! Another thing that was different were the instructors. This time the instructors were performing member Yumi Ishihara, and apprentice members Dylan Solomon and Rylan Sekiguchi.

The beginning of the workshop was similar to the one before. We were treated to a performance by the instructors. San Jose Taiko had a performance that day so some of the other members were there in the studio. They also participated in this little performance. One was apprentice member Alex Hudson who I remembered from my first workshop. There were two other performing members: Franco Imperial and another woman whose name I can't remember (argh!) ((Taking a peak at the performing members list at the SJT website, I think it could have been Meg Suzuki, but I'm not sure.)) Now, I do remember that the Executive Director, Roy Hirabayashi was there, and he spoke to us for a bit, but I can't remember if he was in the performance or not.

After that awesome performance (could have been half-assed for all I know), we watched a DVD talking about everything San Jose Taiko does in the community. Jumping ahead a bit in my story, I bought the DVD, so if you ever find yourself in Fresno, come on over, I'll make some popcorn and we can watch it together!

After watching the DVD, we circled up on the taiko floor and introduced ourselves. It's always interesting to hear where people came from and what brought them to the workshop. Afterwards, we got an introduction to all the different kinds of drums. I won't repeat all the details, but if you would like to read about it, click here .

Then it was time to get busy! We had a short but thorough warm-up. It had me sweating already. The warm up by itself could be the reason I can really feel my hamstrings right now. ;) We learned the stance, called kata, and how to hold the sticks used in taiko, called bachi. Kata reminds me of a variation of the fencing stance or a deep demi plie in fourth position. Which IS the reason why I can really feel my quads right now. (^ ^)

We learned some of the notes used in playing, and we learned a song. Then, to make things more challenging, we played the song in a round. At first I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to pull it off, but we did, and we sounded GOOD!

It was a really good workshop. And I'm not as sore as I was the first time. My hamstrings and quads are sore, but I am able to walk. I even walked to work this morning and back. My biceps and triceps aren't sore, but my forearms are KILLING ME. I need to figure out how to buff up my forearms for the next workshop. (^ ^)


"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Extraneous Post


Look at what I did to my shoes! The sole of my right shoe is cracked completely through. The left shoe is just beginning to crack. I haven't even had these shoes a year yet. If I remember correctly, I believe I bought them in September. Why am I so hard on my shoes? I'm not even a runner! This isn't even the first pair I've done this to either. I destroyed a pair of black clogs I wear for work. The sole of both shoes cracked at the ball of the foot, all the way through to the inside of the shoe. I've even done this to a pair of Ecco shoes-- Okay, I had those shoes for like five years before it happened. The only shoes that wore me out before I wore them out were a pair of Doc Martens I bought in like 1994 and I gave them to the Goodwill two years ago when I replaced them with a newer, prettier pair. Can anyone recommend a brand of tennis shoe that can hold up to some serious wear and tear? Even regular shoes too. I'm thinking of getting another pair of Eccos they seemed to be a good investment. Grrrrrr.


"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Inside the Taiko Studio

See? I really do go do these things! ;) Sorry the pics are a little blurry. I'll do my best to post my adventure tomorrow. It was Mother's Day today, so I had to spend some time with my Mother at a family BBQ. So for now, enjoy my pictures (^ ^)

<--One wall has a big mirror, just like a dance studio!

One side is a stage, just like a cafeteria--->

<--This wall is opposite the mirror, where the practice drums and misc instruments are stored

These are the performance drums, in cases.
No real point to this picture, I just liked all the shoes lined up. Remember, no shoes allowed on the marley

During a break I snapped off a quick pic of the setup for the workshop. The guy in the green t-shirt is Dylan, an apprentice with San Jose Taiko.
"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Friday, May 11, 2007

Time To Taiko

Before I talk about anything else- Can you believe that Ricky Williams has ALREADY failed a drug test?!?!?!?!?!? Dude, the ink hasn't even dried yet on his reinstatement! Honestly I'm not surprised. This is just too freaking hilarious.

I'm back from Hollister. The funeral was, well... a funeral.

I can tell you that the strawberries are in season. They are sweet, juicy, and HUGE! I love me some strawberries. Always have, always will.

Good thing I like driving. I just drove to Hollister on Wednesday (116 mi), drove back to Fresno yesterday (116 mi), and tomorrow I will drive to San Jose (151 mi) and back (151 mi). 116+116+151+151= 534 miles. That's a lot of miles! If it weren't for the fact that Sunday is mother's day, I'd have to drive up to Sacramento (and back) and check out Jim's new bachelor pad just to round out the weekend.

Well tomorrow is taiko day. I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!! It's hard to explain why I like taiko so much. If I have given you the impression that I have been some kind of life-long drummer, I'm sorry, that just isn't the case. My first instrument was the flute at age 9. Growing up, my older sister (by 7 years) was in the colorguard of Hoover High (Go Pates!). So I have always been familiar with the marching band, and I had always been attracted to the Hoover drumline. One name: Terry Longshore. Google it. When it was my turn for high school, I left my smarty-pants magnet school that was 7-12 (Edison-Computech) for literally greener pastures. Hoover had a better band, and I wasn't passing on my chance to wear knickers and a tri-corner hat.

And at this time I must do a shout-out to my fellow alumni band-geeks: Hi Amy! Hi Jenny! Hi Steve! (cheeseburger, onion rings, and large orange drink. Hooah!)

So for 9th and 10th grade I played the flute. In the 11th grade I learned to play the oboe. In my senior year in high school, our band director, Mr. Erker, asked me to join the drumline. I did not hesitate to say yes. So my senior year, I was on the Hoover High drumline and had all the attitude that came with the position. (Sidebar: CVC racer dude Jonathon Eropkin was also in this same drumline. He's a year younger than me and also left the same smarty-pants magnet school to go to Hoover. I even worked at the same company as his mom for a while. Small world.)

When it was time to go to college, I did join the Fresno State marching band, but I returned to the flute. I thought about participating in something called winter percussion, but ultimately I left music to persue my dancing "career".

I have a point to all of this and yes, I am getting to it. It was here, in the dance program, that I was introduced to taiko. My modern dance classes didn't have any live music accompaniment so my professor would use taiko music. From there I was hooked. I also had the opportunity to dance to music composed by Iannis Xenakis. Just trust me, beautiful and mesmerizing percussion music.

So, that is my long-winded story on why I like taiko and percussion in general. Maybe on a slow blogging day I'll scan some old band pictures and post them. Maybe.

I must get to bed now. The workshop starts at 10 tomorrow morning, which means I have to get up TFE tomorrow for the drive up. I figure, leave around 6:30, stop in Los Banos for breakfast around 7:30, leave Los Banos before 8, get through Pacheco Pass by 8:30, and get to Okida Hall by 9:30 with time to spare for re-inflating my gluteus maximus muscles from all this driving.

After the workshop, if I am still able to stand, I plan to spend the afternoon in San Jose and do a little shopping at The Container Store (this is my porn, I kid you not), and Crate and Barrel. Woo-Hoo!

I'm taking my camera again, and this time I plan on taking some pictures to share with you. :)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tuesday Quote 05/08/07

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
--Nelson Mandela

Don't be afraid :)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit"


Monday, May 07, 2007

Feeling Better

Yes, I am feeling much, much better. I'm tired, but I think it's a combination of all the Drixoral I was taking and Red Bulls I was drinking to get through the weekend. Yesterday, I felt well enough to go cold turkey without relapse. Now I can go back to my normal life and routine. I honestly felt drugged out from Wednesday through Saturday.

My voice is still shot, probably will be that way for the rest of the week, but I feel sooooo much better. I was even acting my usual self at work. I'm way too perky at work. I can't walk from point a to point b, I usually dance from point a to point b- especially when I'm hooked up to my mp3 player. My colleagues have accepted this part of me, they know it's just my joie de vivre. Also they know that how I act in the office is not the same as how I act at a hospital, path lab, or conference.

The only bummer part of this feeling better, is that I'm not going to be able to ride for a while. :( Tomorrow is Tuesday, and that is always out. But Wednesday and Thursday I'm driving my mom to Hollister for a funeral. My grandpa's sister died last week after a long illness. This was a favorite great-aunt of mine I always enjoyed visiting. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm brown, and therefore have a BIG family. Whenever we meet someone who has a familiar sounding last name, we have to ask "who are your parents/grandparents" in case they are a rarely seen relative. Trust me, in my family, it's happened. Not to me, but to my sister and a cousin.

Wow! I am feeling better! I'm RAMBLING!! Woo-hoo! Anyways, back to my story. After the funeral, I'll have to turn around and go back. Saturday is my taiko workshop in San Jose. I'm excited.

Okay, almost time for Heroes/24.

PS- I finished my write-up for my Relay For Life report, so please scroll down and read/reread it. Thanks :)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Relay For Life Report


The picutures: As usual, I take lousy pictures, or I forget to take pictures at all. pictures at Flickr

The fundrasing: Thank you to everyone who donated to this worthy cause. Besides Daffodil Days, this was my first attempt at fundraising. I raised $265.00!!! Woo-Hoo! I will post my "List of Honor" shortly. I don't know what my team's final total is yet. Relay day was still open for raising funds that counted toward our goal. Our campsite was decorated as an igloo and we sold snowcones and face painting.

The day: It was SO WINDY! Weatherbug reported gusts up to 32mph! It was warm, but not hot. This day I actually missed being able to braid my hair. The wind blew my hair everywhere and there was nothing I could do about it. Once the sun set, the temperature dropped quickly and I found myself changing into jeans and a sweatshirt to keep warm, but the wind would not quit. My nose got sunburned a little bit, just a little bit of redness, but by the next day, my nose was back to normal.

The lap: I arrived earlier than my scheduled lap because I wanted time to look around and get ready. I arrived around 2:30 and after checking in, I cruised around the campground to check out all the other campsites. I must say that a lot of teams got creative with their team themes. I think it made the whole experience more festive. As I mentioned earlier, my assigned lap had a superhero theme. So I took one for the team and dressed up like a dork in a Superman t-shirt and red cape. I had my mp3 player in tow, so I queued up the tunes and set out forward. It was a lot like riding a bike, but much...much....slower, and with music. The effort was effortless, and the time didn't drag on for as long as I thought it would. I left the watch at home on purpose. I didn't want to be thinking about time.

Somewhere along the way, one of our team members wasn't able to make it for their walk time (I don't know who it was), so a few of us that were still there took turns making up the time. I walked for an additional 30 minutes with my teammate Patti. Patti is a radiation dosimetrist at the Cancer Center. It was nice to be able to meet people outside of the cancer registry.

Every year, the midnight theme is Prom, and everyone dresses up in dresses and tuxes. YOU KNOW I am so down for that next year! I may even have to rescurrect my senior prom dress (yes, I still have it). Of course I'd have to loose 500lbs to get back into it- freaking size 3- but if I did, wouldn't that be snazzy?

Hmmm, here is a crazy thought: Since my best friend and I are speaking again, I should make him a bet that if I can get back into my prom dress, he'll have to be my prom date once again. Wouldn't that be one blast from the past? He'd never go for it, but what the heck!

The Luminaria Ceremony: Okay, here's where things get misty. ;) At sundown, the Relay was paused and everyone was called to center stage. We had a reading of the Dr. Seuss book Oh The Places You'll Go, then we had two young speakers talking about their cancer experiences. I'm telling you there was not a dry eye in the place after that! Time to backtrack a little bit. During the day, there were volunteers placing the luminaria out around the track. There were soooooooooooo many luminaria there, that there wasn't enough track for all the luminaria. Also, since it was really windy, we were not able to use candles or else we would have burned the whole place down. We used glowsticks, which worked surprisinging well. So, after the speakers, volunteers passed around the remaining luminaria to us walkers, and we cracked open (on?) the glowsticks and lit our bags. I had two, one in honor of a survivor, and one in memory of someone who died. We then did a procession around the track, and all you could see were luminaria floating in the darkness.

For me, it was a very serious moment. All those lights were people. I've already lost two uncles to cancer, and I have one aunt, one uncle, and my mom, who are cancer survivors. In that moment, I was very aware of how blessed I am to still have my mom with me.

After my processional lap, I placed the luminaria that I was carrying down near a group of others and was able to go back and get another one. I lit it and carried it for another lap. Yes, there were THAT many.

Around 9:00 the organizers hit the flood lights and the campground was lit up as bright as day. Totally ruined the moment, but hey, what can you do, people gotta see. On that bright note, earlier in the day, I had purchased some raffle tickets from another campsite. I won something! I won a Melitta Take 2 coffeemaker and a thermos from Washington Mutual.

By this time it was almost 9:30 and colder than my sick little body could handle. I didn't want to leave, but I knew that if I didn't, I would just make myself sicker. So, because I am a sentimental type of person, I went out and walked one last lap.

But it won't be my last lap, because there is no finish line until we find a cure.


aka Super Dork!


Friday, May 04, 2007

Tomorrow Is the Big Day...

Relay For Life Info

And I'm sick! (>_<) I'm congested, coughing, and I'm having serious phlegm issues. *YUK* My voice has dropped like 5 octives and it's very deep and raspy now, in contrast to my high-pitch-sound-like-I'm-5-years-old tone.

I'm doing it anyways.

I just hope that they aren't going to do drug testing there because I will test positive for an entire box of Drixoral. And Halls. And a swig of Nyquil, cherry flavored.

That's not even the worst part. I just found out that my designated lap time has a theme! Which means I have to DRESS UP!!! I have to dress up like a superhero. :-

So, I'm going to go as Superchick, Superman's second cousin by marriage. ;)

If I had been given more time to prepare, I would have loved to have dressed up like Hiro Nakamura (from Heroes), complete with sword. That would have been sweet!

So this week I've been pumping myself with OTC drugs and staying warm in spite of the wind and rain. Spending my time reading blog after blog after blog. I feel like a real voyeur right now since I don't even know any of these people who's blogs I've been reading this past week. Very strange. Although, I did come across a really good-sounding recipe for chicken, that I'll probably never try out, but what the heck...

Okay, time for that swig of Nyquil. I must be rested for tomorrow. I have my nephew's First Communion tomorrow morning in addition to the Relay. Good night.


(PS- I had another death in the family today, so I will have to take off for a bit next week for the funeral. Sigh....)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy May Day and Tuesday's Quote

Relay For Life Info

Okay, to be totally honest, I don't even remember what May Day is. All I remember is that in elementary school, we would make a bouquet of flowers and then we'd take them home and leave them on the doorstep for our mom's to find. Did anyone else do this?

Did I ever tell you that I sing at work? A lot. Sometimes I sing a bit too loud. A lot. I sing just ok. Barely. I'd never make it past Simon on American Idol. Well, today I got busted singing too loud. My bad. Today's song: Black Velvet.

Okay, on to today's quote:

"You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith."
--Mary Manin Morrissey

