Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Monday, October 30, 2006

Hair Documentation

Well, Halloween is upon us, so it is time to document my hair. I bought a hair magazine today, so I really intend to go through with this. I just hope whichever kid(s) gets my hair, they enjoy it as much as I have. I admit, I'm going to miss it, but not miss the pain of washing it (^ ^)

Okay, a big whoa just happened to me. I was going to paste a link to the Locks of Love website, but it's not there. Where'd it go? I hope they are still there. Man, if they're not out there anymore.... Okay Yvette, don't panic. Maybe it's just down for server maintenance. Yeah, maintenance (*_*)

Yvette Z.
The Hair Collector


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy Birthday Chariot!

Today is my bicycle's 3rd birthday.

October 4, 2003, I brought home from Tri-Sport a Lemond women's Tourmalet- A 27speed, 45cm, turquoise steel steed with Shimano 105 (rear only :-\ ). Okay, yeah, it's an entry-level bike that I only paid a little under $1000 for, but it's MY BABY!

My friend Carlos (of the hardcore), encouraged me to take her out for a spin to celebrate. Because I had to work late today, and the rapidly decreasing sunlight after 5pm (I don't have my lights on yet), I didn't have a lot of time to ride, so I was only going to ride 1 mile. Purely symbolic, just to say I rode on her birthday.

I got home, threw on some leggings, and grabbed my shoes, gloves, and helmet. I was only going around the block. After going around the block, and singing my new anthem, White and Nerdy (yes, I know I'm not white), my bicycle computer told me that I had gone 1.8 mi. Hmm, I thought, I can't just do 1.8 miles. It's not whole, it's not even (as my Monk-like characteristics start surfacing). So, I decide that since it's my bike's 3rd birthday, I'll ride some more and make it an even 3 miles. One mile for every year. I alter my route a bit, and go up the middle of the block and ride the second half over again. Total miles: 3.31. Eh, close enough, I'm hungry.

Happy Birthday Chariot!!!!!

Yvette Z.
The (not) White and Nerdy Collector
