Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Quote Worth Repeating

I really like this quote, it's very optimistic

"It is possible to begin again. It is hard, and we never do it perfectly, but it can be done."
--Andrew Greeley

(Okay, I can't think of any more pro-pink quotes. Any suggestions?)

Please Don't Laugh...

...too hard at me.

I really really want to see that movie Blades of Glory. It looks funny and like a movie that would have me doing some serious belly laughing. It has Jon Heder in it, and you can't knock Napoleon Dynamite.

That's all I wanted to say.

For those of you that have tomorrow off, happy holiday!

"I like pink"

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Postcards in the Mail

Lookie what I got in the mail today!



What a great thing to get in the mail, wouldn't you say?
"Pink is your friend"

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy Sunday

Just a quick post because it's nearly 11 and I am so ready for bed.

Today was another good day. I got a lot accomplished today.

Went to Mass. Got gas at Costco ($3.039). Had lunch with my awesome friend Lily. We caught up on the dramas in our lives. Afterwards I stopped by Tri-Sport, my local bike shop, and bought a new water bottle and a pair of PINK socks. I have a strange obsession with cycling socks, I have more pairs than I do jerseys. And as you know, I cannot resist anything pink. Came home and had 2 pairs of pants taken in. Also I did 5 loads of laundry.

I had wanted to go for a bike ride, but I was too tired. I have to admit I over did things yesterday. But all was not lost, I did jump on the trainer for 35 minutes. A record in my trainer book. I must give credit to my colleague Francisco, he recommended listening to music instead of watching TV, and man did it work! I have a small mp3 player, so I had some inspirational tunes queued up (Peter Gabriel). Yippie! I'm even excited to do it again! Big change from last year when I couldn't even tolerate 10 minutes of going nowhere.

Okay, time for bed. Noche, noche.

"Don't fear the pink"

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Awesome Day

Today was an awesome day! If my blog could play music, I would have either Beautiful Day by U2 playing or Good Day by Luce.

This morning I woke up early and went for a bike ride, afterwards I did some strength training on my arms, then in the early afternoon I gave my cousin a massage. I then topped off my day with a shopping spree. Okay that one was a lie, what I really did was go to my least favorite mega-store (starts with a W) and bought some cat food for my cat who today I am calling the vampire LaDama.

Sidebar: My cat. Her real name is Riley, that's the name she came with when I got her six+ years ago. She was 4 years old and needed a home fast. She's not a very nice cat, but I love her lots. After a while, I started calling her "dama". Most people assume it's dama, Spanish for lady, but it's not. It's actually da ma which is Mandarin for big mama. I took 3 semesters of Mandarin for my foreign language requirement. End Sidebar.

This morning after the bike ride and before the weights I was playing with my cat and she clawed my neck. Okay, yeah, I provoked her. She hates being picked up and that's exactly what I did. She was just trying to push away from me- claw's out- and her paw landed on my neck and she left two puncture marks. Ouch!

So, that was my day. After finishing this post I plan on doing some sit-ups to work on my core, and then watch a movie for a bit before going to bed. I have an exciting day planned for tomorrow too. After Mass, I'm meeting my girlfriends Lily and Vegas for lunch, then I plan on going for another bike ride. The weather has been so nice it's been calling my name.

Some of you are probably thinking, Cycling? Did she say she was going cycling? Um, yeah. I know at least one of you out there thought after my post summing up my year that I was quitting cycling completely and selling my bike. Uh, no. I just said that I was going to ride when I felt like it, and not ride when I didn't feel like it, without guilt. That is true. Crazy thing is, ever since I made that declaration, all I've wanted to do on these nice days is ride my bike. I even re-joined the Fresno Cycling Club. It reminds me of a quote we've all heard: If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be. Maybe I set cycling free and it came back to me. Maybe, as my best friend likes to put it, I just need to put the crack pipe down.

What about the arms? I'll give you one guess. If you guessed taiko, you are correct!!! I'm already signed up for my next workshop on May 12, in San Jose. My personal goal is to be able to lift my arms when I'm done! (^ ^) I had such an awesome time, I just want to do it again and again. Can you imagine what my arms would look like if I did this EVERY weekend?

I'm so glad spring is here! Aren't you?

"all pink is is a lighter shade of red"

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

In Full Bloom

Quick pic with all the blooms wide open:


Meet the Vet

Take a trip in the way back machine and kick it with Vet old school style. Summer 1990. Love the bangs!

Happy first day of Spring!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Daffodil Days 2007

This year I participated in The American Cancer Society's fight against cancer by participating in a unique fundraising campaign called Daffodil Days.

Quote from ACS: "Daffodil Days is one of the American Cancer Society's oldest and most beloved fundraising programs. It celebrates the Society's mission to eliminate cancer as a life-threatening disease. For more than 20 years, the Daffodil Days campaign has enabled people to join the fight against cancer by offering daffodils that in turn raise funds and provide hope for a future where cancer no longer threatens those we love."

"All contributions support the American Cancer Society's efforts to fund groundbreaking cancer research, provide up-to-date cancer information and education, advocate for public health policies that benefit the community, and offer free services that improve the quality of life for patients and their families."
I sold 21 bouquets and raised $360.00 for the ACS. Woo-hoo!

For those of you really upset that you didn't get to help me during this campaign, you'll get another chance to help me soon. I've volunteered to participate in Relay For Life. More details and a passionate plea for your money coming soon. (^ ^)

See the pretty flowers!


PS- The orange vase is this year's color. The cobalt blue vase is recycled from a previous year. I reuse it every year because I really like the vase.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Where'd I Go?

You miss me so, seems like it's been forever since I've been gone....

Yes, a play on that song we hear on the radio by Fort something-or-other.

I'm back. Sorry I've been away. Been busy, and not busy, tired, and not tired. Distracted. Focused. Feeling sick and also feeling better than I have felt in a very long time.

And no, I do not have multiple personalities!

I won't go into details on what I have been doing, it would take way too long to write up. In a nutshell, and in no particular order: Been sick. Been having to deal with an imminent death in the family--twice. Gave blood. Having to deal with being short-staffed at work. Went to a bike race. Participated in Daffodil Days. Stuff like that.

I'm back now with many thoughts in my head. I remember watching a movie based on a Stephen King book where one of the characters invents some kind of magical typewriter that automatically types up what she's thinking. I could use something like that right now. It's like my ability and availability to blog can't keep up with the thoughts inside my head. I'm going to have to go around with a little notebook to jot down my ideas through out the day.

So, until my next post....

Oh, before I forget: Feeling a bit old school lately, so I'm going to be using my old school name for a while- Vet
