Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday Blog

I'm back. What have I been up to?

1. Applying for a second job. Not for the money, but for the exposure to a company with a particular environment/culture, not to mention excellent employee perks. (Can you say pro-deal?) I want more friends in this cultural subset because I don't have enough. If you haven't guessed which company I have applied for, it's actually a co-op with more than 3 million members! I went to a general hiring clinic a few weeks ago and had a good interview. I recently went back last week for a second interview, they still seemed to like me. So for now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and lighting every candle within walking distance ;) I'm not saying right out what company I've applied with, I feel uncertain revealing what I have already because I don't want to jinx myself. I really want this job. (A Chorus Line: Oh God, I need this job.....) Once I hear final word, I'll fess up to everything.

2. Got dealt a blow at work. The Governator has slashed our budget 20% and the powers that be (above me) had to make some really hard choices. Closest to home, I'm losing one of my team members. I'm absolutely heartbroken, because she was new and we just really got to know each other like last week. :( I'm totally bummed about this I nearly cried at work. On a wider scale, the ax came down in Sacramento too and I was informed that most of our consultants (read: programmers) are being let go too. Of course, the people who are being let go, are the ones responsible for the part of the system that I'm primarily responsible for. They make my tools possible, so if I don't have tools that work, how am I supposed to be able to get my projects done on top of being short one person! Sigh, I used to know one of the Sacramento programmers. I wonder if his position was cut too....

3. Countdown to the wedding- 11 days. I don't care anymore about not having a date, I am so happy that I found a dress today! :) Now I just have to find shoes :-O On the bright side, about 85% of the Michigan clan is coming. I'm SO EXCITED. I have the coolest family, you don't even know. We are going to have so much fun. It's going to be one non-stop party from the time the first plane lands to the last plane leaves.

4. Personal life, still single. Or is it, single again? A combination of both. It's okay. Right now I'm discovering that there worse things I could be. Although I miss the companionship, I've always liked my autonomy. Doing whatever I want, whenever I want. I just believe it's not my time to settle down. I have soo much that I want to do yet. Besides, unless I get totally ax'ed myself, there might be a job relocation in my future. It will be easier with only my needs to take into consideration. Da Ma will follow me wherever I go. She better, damn cat.

5. Exciting time this evening, we lost power. I have no idea what happened, I'll have to watch the news tonight to see if they say anything about it. I'm just glad that the blackout decided to wait until after Big Love.

That's about it. I'm feeling better, excited about this new employment prospect. I'm always excited about new things. Aren't we all?


"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."


Monday, July 23, 2007

Quickie Hi!

Hello! I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know that I'm feeling much much better. Now I'm just busy. Got my share of the annual report to work on and a path lab to visit. AND talking about serious countdown til the wedding. I still haven't found a dress yet, but I'm not giving up.

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Anemia Sucks


Sorry everyone. When the anemia hits, I get tired, cranky, and I start craving beef. Do you remember that animated movie (I really can't remember the title, it might be Madagascar) where the lion is dreaming of meat and there are all these steaks floating about à la American Beauty? That is my life right now. And it is somewhat annoying because my protein preference has beef in dead last place (sorry Harris Ranch).

I look like crap, I feel like crap, my attention span is crap and all I want to do is sleep. It started right after Climb to Kaiser. At first I thought it was let down from the adrenaline rush of the day, but after a day or two, I noticed that it didn't clear up like I would expect it to. It's been downhill ever since. I'd have to say that yesterday and today I've been feeling much better, so hopefully I should be my Vettie self again in a week.

I have to really watch myself when I get like this. Lupus runs in my family: mom, aunts, cousins. My mom's lupus is so active that I have to give her weekly Procrit shots (that's EPO for those who don't know) to keep her RBCs in the green. She's had to be admitted to the hospital a few times since her Dx over 10+ years ago for blood transfusions. I don't have lupus (thank God) but I'm at risk since I was officially Dx'd with anemia my senior year of high school. It comes and goes, but usually I'm okay.

So that's why I've been quiet and when I haven't been quiet I've been whiney and crabby. So my deepest apologies to ANYONE I may have snapped at over the past 3 weeks. :)

"Tastey cow Aunt Meg."


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Because I Am the Friend

Today I went to a delicious dinner/BBQ with a friend. This evening I had a comforting conversation with a different friend.

Last week I took a fun quiz that was to determine why I was still single. My diagnosis- I am The Friend.

Maybe that's all I'm supposed to be, just the friend. I guess if I made enough to afford myself a small condo somewhere, I wouldn't mind being single, as long as my friends stepped-up for me whenever I needed them.

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Whatever dude. LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!!!!!!!!

If you even care, read about it here:

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Monday, July 09, 2007

I Can't Believe I Said It

I knew it was inevitable, I say it every year, yet it still has the power to shock me as the words are flying out of my mouth.

"It was only 101 today."


Yup. It's that time. Here in Fresno, the summers are HOT! Once the high gets over 105, anything less than that gets the qualifier "only" added to it. I think our highest so far this summer is 108, so yeah, 101 suddenly becomes a nice day. Go figure.

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Õ á

Saturday, July 07, 2007

And So It Begins Again....

Today started the 2007 Tour De France. I watched the prologue this morning. This is the first year that I'm not excited about it. Which kind of sucks, because I like being excited about it. I'm still undecided as to who I'm cheering for.

Fabian Cancellara won today's time trial and the first American is George Hincapie in third place. I just hope it's a bad-drama free tour (read: drug-drama). The good-drama, I'm all for, it's what makes for awesome sports.

My plan for today is to drown all my sorrows, literally. (^ ^) Today is my nephew's birthday, happy birthday Dante! and he's having a pool party. My plan is to be in the pool all freaking day long, and get so dark that I'll look more Indian than ever. When I put on my makeup Monday for work, I want to look in the mirror and say "dayam, I need to hit the MAC counter on my lunch, this thing isn't going to work."

Off to get ready! Bye!

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

b I Š á

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hi (Sigh)

Well, smile time is over. :( Somethings are just not meant to be. Oh well, life carries on. It was very nice in ways I cannot explain. I will cherish my memories of the moments where I swear time stood still.

"And rain, will make the flowers grow"


Monday, July 02, 2007

I've Got a Case of the Mondays!


"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Sunday, July 01, 2007

C2K note

Hi. This is going to be a short write-up because I don't know, my right hand hurts. My middle and ring fingers hurt at the knuckle and are swollen. Must have been from all the kickin' ass and takin' numbers I did yesterday. Okay, maybe not the ass-kicking, but definitely from the taking numbers.

My job yesterday was to was to check off the riders as they hit the lunch stop at Huntington Lake. I was standing at the entrance with a clipboard and checking off numbers from the spreadsheet. I checked off my first two riders at 10:13am and checked off my last rider at 3:53pm. In between, I checked off 265-270 riders. I forgot what the exact number was. There were more riders registered, but either they didn't show up, or they didn't make it this far.

I'm glad I wore my sunscreen and actually remembered to bring my hat (My 508 hat) because by 1pm, I lost all my shade. It was beautiful up there and warm for me. I made the mistake of getting dressed before 5am, so I was a little over dressed. At least I dressed in layers and was able to start stripping. Unfortunately once the great mass of riders started showing up, there was no time for a break until after 2:30. Big mistake, I wore jeans.

Next year I'm going to suck it up and risk dirty legs and wear shorts. Unless I decide to ride next year. No, not the Climb to Kaiser, that's in the 5-year plan, but either the Millerton metric or the Tollhouse century.

Sorry, no pictures, too busy. Maybe some year I should not help and just go out there on my own and take pictures. I do have two, of the lunch stop as we were setting up. That was the only time I had to snap some shots.

Oh, I'm assuming that my phone was working up there because I was able to send texts and make phone calls. But I didn't receive any text messages or phone calls, so I don't know if it's because no one did *sniff* or people did, but I didn't receive them. But, then if I just didn't receive them, I think I would have gotten them all at once as I was coming down the hill. But I didn't *sniff*. Oh well.

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."
