Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Monday, November 27, 2006




Okay, now don't get me wrong, I am 100% all for Christmas. All of it: Birth of Jesus Christ, Santa Claus, even Bone Daddy*. But look closely, what is wrong with this picture? No, it's not the lack of presents with my name on it. I'll give you a hint. Look at the timestamp. Yes my friends, I took this picture TODAY!!!!! This tree went up on SATURDAY!!!!!


Didn't they check the calendar? Okay, if any of you are Catholic out there, you should know that this coming Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, so technically the Christmas season is upon us. But dude, come on, it's still NOVEMBER!!!!!

*sitting at computer shaking head* This is just wrong.

Yvette Z.
The Premature
Christmas Collector

PS- I did not participate in this activity. I caught a 24 bug. No, not a 24-hour bug, a 24 bug. Meaning I was locked inside my bedroom all day long (literally) watching season 4 of 24. I love me some Jack Bauer.

*Bonus points if you know what I'm talking about.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

2 Down 41 To Go...

I did it, I finally cut my hair! (^ ^) Last night at 6pm I had my hair appointment with John Michael. We took pictures before pictures, then I made myself at home in his chair. Jo had already braided my hair before we left, so all John had to do was cut it off. It was really funny, at least to me, as John was cutting the braid, I started screaming "Ow, you're hurting me! Stop it! It hurts!" We were laughing. After the braid was cut off, John rinsed my hair, and proceeded to color it. I've had a touch of burgundy added to my hair. It's not noticeable at first glance, but it's there. (I need to be professional appearing for my job- hospital visits and all that.) Once the coloring was done, John cut it into shape and styled it. Do you know how long it's been since my hair saw a blow dryer? Wow! Well, check out the link below (please!) and see my slide show documenting my evening. (^ ^)

Vet's Hair Gets THE CHOP

Yvette Z.
The Braid Collector


Remember Me?

I'll write up the experience later, but I wanted you guys to see pics first.

Yvette Z.
The Braid Collector


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Quote of the Month

"The early bird catches the worm; a stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we haven't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to ‘seize the day'. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore, until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping. And that even the biggest failure, even the worst most intractable mistake beats the hell out of never trying."

--Dr. Meredith Grey

I absolutely LOVE that show!!!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Where Were You Five Years Ago?

Five years ago, November 7, 2001, I sat quietly at my desk at work.

I admit, I'm not a very good at waiting.

My aunts and some of my cousins sat in the waiting room for me.

My mom was in surgery.

She was having the lower lobe of her right lung removed. She had a suspicious mass, it came back cancer.

Fast forward 5 years. November 7, 2006

My mom is officially cancer-free.

Carpe diem Mom, and LIVESTRONG! I love you.

Time to celebrate!

Yvette Z.
The Good News Collector


Monday, November 06, 2006

On a Similar Note

On the subject of 43 Things, This Wednesday, the 8th, I go for my consult and FINAL TRIM!!!!! *scream* I'm nervous, and excited, and dreading it, and so looking forward to it. Y'all know me, I'm short hair girl -remember my scary butch days? Charlotte and Vegas Baby you'll have to take my word for it. We all make mistakes, and hair grows out. I've been growing my hair out for the past 3 years, I almost don't remember what my life was like with short hair. I do remember when I was finally able to put my hair in a ponytail. Hee Hee! Those were the days when I could braid my own hair, and only needed one clip to hold it up. I'll have to dig up a pic pre-decision. Wish me luck (^ ^)

Yvette Z.
The Hair Collector


1 Down 42 To Go....

Remember my 43 Things? Well, this past October 28th and 31st I knocked an item off my list! I wore a sari for a day! Okay, 10/28 was only from 5pm-1am and 10/31 was 8am-5pm, but it's close enough. Sleeping hours shouldn't count. My colleague Mary "The Extraordinary" Axeworthy took some pictures on Halloween and I'll be sure to post those once I get them from her. Now, for your amusement, I give you Yvette: Bollywood Princess (^ ^)

I had this costume especially made for me, and it was made con amor. I'll have to wear it for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years to get full use of the price I paid for the material!

Yeah, I've Been Bad

Yup, it's been a while since I posted regularly. I've been busy, and distracted. Work stuff, catching up with friends I haven't spoken with (and not even all of them, yet), and a personal project I've got going on in secret. Well, not completely secret. Only a handful of people know what I'm up to. Eventually I'll let the cat out of the bag, when I'm ready. I just wanted to say a quick hi and let my 6 readers know that I'm still alive (^ ^)

Yvette Z.
The Secret Collector ;)
