Late Night Wishing
It's currently 10:09 pm as I begin writing this post. Earlier this evening the sky was clear. I could see the moon and some stars. But now the clouds are making their way in again. It's currently 38 degrees. Cold by my standards, and my cat's too, I just let her in. According to NOAA, the National Weather Service, there is a chance of showers tomorrow. I don't want it to rain.
Tomorrow is the Tower Crit. If it's not raining, I'll be out there tomorrow afternoon. I like watching bike races. I love seeing the colors fly by as the peloton speeds past. I'll have to remember to bring my camera. It would be cool to actually post some cycling pictures on my blog. My colleague Tony, one of the Hardcore, took a week off of work to follow the Tour of California. His blogs are flowing with pictures. He even has pics WITH some of the cyclists. That is just too cool for school. Of course tomorrow isn't a big race like the ToC, just fast laps down Olive avenue. But still, an impressive site. Doesn't matter if it's Cat 5, Cat 3, or Pro (think Lance Armstrong), I appreciate it all the same.
I really, really hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.