Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

And I am not telling you this to scare you, but the word out on the street is that Lance Armstrong is now dating Ashley Olsen. WTF???????

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday Ramblings

How about that storm last night? I checked NOAA, and we were beyond red, we were magenta! I was at work and I guess you can say that we had our first official test of the building. Uhm, we failed. A pipe wasn't connected like it was supposed to be and during the magenta downpour, we had a small waterfall upstairs. Some jackets got wet, and the carpet was soaked, but at least we never lost power. Thank goodness.

Halloween party was awesome, as usual. I did catch some grief for the weather, because I was dressed like mother nature. No stories about the party, because what happens in Club Rich stays in Club Rich. I will tell you that one man was dressed like a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, and there was another young man there that I thought was very cute. 'Nuff said.

Here's a pic of me (Mother Nature) and Lisa (Fallen Angel):
"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Monday, October 29, 2007

Movie Night

Last night I went with a friend from work2 to see the movie Into the Wild.

It was beautiful, it was awesome. I cannot imagine anyone not being moved by this story.

I highly recommend seeing it. If you haven't seen it yet, you better hurry before it goes away. I can only imagine what the special features will be when this movie is released on DVD.

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Saturday, October 27, 2007

We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Nothing

Just a quick blurb since I have sooooooooo much to do tonight:

Last night I worked2 and I finally got to meet John in Fresno. It was so awesome to finally meet him. :)

This morning I am helping my sister make MENUDO (yeah, be jealous)

This afternoon I work2, always look forward to that

Tonight is my Aunt and Uncle's annual halloween party. We take this party very VERY serious, and no one, absolutely no one gets in without a costume. We even have security. I have one word for you: Jager
(we're going to par-tay)

Reduce, re-use, recycle,
Plant a tree,
Go climb a rock,
Pack it out,

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Friday, October 26, 2007

I Know, I Know.....

I'm sorry.

My actual physical life is interfering big time with my virtual life.

I still have to tell you about going rock climbing with a gal from work2.

(work2 = REI)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Just click this link and tell me what you see. I don't care if I know you or not, if you are a friend or a stranger or an enemy or a bored stalker. Tell me whether you see her moving clockwise or counter clockwise. Post with your name, post anonymously, or post as your favorite actor (all John Cusacks welcomed). I saw her originally moving clockwise but now I can make her dance. :),21598,22492511-5005375,00.html

PS- I just completed my first month at REI- totally cool :)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


For those of you watching House with me this evening-- At the beginning, how many of you were more concerned about the dog, than the poor sick guy in the wheelchair?

Yeah, me too. :)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."