Blossoms in the Sun

under the sun, it's all good

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Quote Correction

About a billion and a half months ago I quoted part of a quote and credited Nelson Mandela. I just found out that that was incorrect. Here is the quote in its entirety, and correctly credited:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” --Marianne Williamson


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wandering Thoughts

Yeah, I know I'm crazy. I want to do this! i STILL want to do this. Nope don't know these people, but just found their videos and loved them.

For the record, I HAVE hiked up to the tops of Vernal and Nevada Falls, but never all the way to the top. Thinking June, before I have to move to Sacramento (long story).


"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your f***ing khakis." -- Tyler Durden

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hi & I Love My Job(s)

This is just another quickie post because I have to finish my dinner, wash my face, and brush my teeth before 10:30pm. If I don't get to bed pronto, I so incredibly feel it in the morning. I really hate that I'm not a jump out of bed singing and dancing kind of person. I think I used to be a really long time ago, but now I'm not functional until I've had at least half a cup of coffee. Maybe I'm just old, I am 34 now. ;)

I spent today-day at a path lab. I reviewed 2200 path reports. That's a lot of path reports. I'll be doing that every Wednesday now as part of our reorganizing. Usually I don't go to this particular lab. Mine are in Merced and Modesto. This new one is here in The No. Pathologists are very strange. I like it. I should have been a pathologist. I always liked looking at things under a microscope.

I spent today-night at REI. The mad rush is over, I think. One special treat I like about working frontline is that I get to see different membership cards from different eras. REI has been around since 1938, and has always been a co-op, so the style of the cards changes with the times. The current cards are typical plastic with a bar code on it. Older ones are typed and laminated. I have to key those in manually. The lowest number I have seen so far is in the 202,000 range. A man came in this evening in the 300,000 range. He said he joined back in 1971. Isn't that awesome?

JENNY MY FRIEND!!!!!- This one is for you! Mr Ikeda came in the store today. We talked briefly. I was never one of his students, but I told him that I was friends with you, and Amy, and Suzie. He remembered all of you. He says hi and wanted me to tell you that he still has your notebook from AP History. :)

All of my coworkers at REI are really nice people. Today after work I was asking Richard and Carlos about climbing. They were so nice to me. If you ever visit the store you'll find Richard downstairs running the shop and Carlos upstairs in clothing/footwear. You can't miss Carlos, he's tall with beautifully wild hair. Don't tell him-- but I love his hair.

Okay, enough gabbing on my part. I have 8 minutes to do the bedtime prep!

P.S. I hate the White Stripes song Icky Thump!

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Monday, September 17, 2007

Quickie Hi

I hate to admit it, but I think I may need to re-think this whole blog thingy. There's too much I am doing, too much I want to do, and not enough time to blog about it.

Did I tell you that I'm getting a massage for my birthday? Well I am :) Stacey rocks!!! (and she uses them too woo-hoo!)

There's so many thoughts running around in my head, you don't even know.

And I was thinking today, I wish I had known my friend Carlos before I knew him. I would have liked to see him do the things he did back them.

Oh, and I'm taking up bouldering :-D

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit." --Word.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tonight Rocked!!!!

First off, for those of you who didn't know. Today is my birthday. I'm this many now *holding up thirty-four fingers* (^ ^)

Tonight was also Friends & Family Night at REI. From 6 to 9, REI was a mad house. We did nearly $30,000 in sales and sold about 140 memberships. I sold 2 myself. It was CRAZY!!!

Of course I scored some schwagg. I got my very first Nalgene bottle today, and it is sweet.
You can't really see what it says on the top. It says Fresno California Grand Opening 2007. It's a 32oz bottle. I also received this past weekend another REI shirt. This one in black with a cool trim.
I am soooooo loving it.

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Vet is TIRED!!!!!

Yes, I'm here, and I'm still alive. I'm TIRED. I worked today, but I didn't have to work tonight, my first evening off since the Sunday before Labor Day.

Last week I worked 61 hours.
This week so far I have worked 31 hours.
This past Sat & Sun I worked 9-9. Those were the hardest days.

But I'm alive, and grateful that I can work like this- if only barely ;)

Once the store opens, my schedule will settle down.

Tomorrow we have a special opening by invitation only. I'm excited.

The grand opening is this Friday. I'll be working in the evening. If you are near Fresno, stop on by so I can sell you a membership! ;)

Did I tell you that the dress code is super relaxed? I can wear shorts and sandels if I so desire, Woo-Hoo!

I have Thursday evening off too, so hopefully I'll be able to finish my laundry and get some posting done! :)

Special note to John in Fresno: Are nordic skis the same as cross-country skis? That's what I was told. So, to answer your question, no, we won't be carrying them in the store, but you can buy them online (or online in the store) and have them shipped to the store at no charge. I don't know if that's what you were needing to know....

"I'm tired"

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Here Comes the Bride!!!!!

Okay, I'm not getting married anytime soon, but today at REI we learned how to create gift registries. We were allowed to create a registry for ourselves, and I made myself a wedding registry. So who's the lucky groom I know you are asking?

John Cusack

I've set the date for May 1, 2009. An arbitrary date. I need time to plan a proper wedding ;) Unfortunately I deleted the account, since we were only pretending. Had I thought about it, I should have left it up for a day or two and posted a link so you guys could see.

Ahhh, a girl can dream....

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Worth Losing (a little) Sleep Over


This is on the sidewalk outside the door of REI. It's like the USGS summit markers. Way, way, way, WAY cool :)

Today was my first day working both jobs. I'm ready for bed, but I couldn't not post this totally cool picture.

I am so excited. I cannot even begin to describe it. I feel like its Disneyland or something.

Another bonus is that there are lots of stairs involved for me. Good for the legs :)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."

Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

Hi :)

Didn't have to day job work today, but I will have to night job work later. This morning my Aunt Margie made menudo and invited the whole family over for breakfast, so that's where I was this morning.

I know this sounds funny, but I've been taking the time since I returned from vacation to adjust my sleeping schedule and work schedule. I'll be working 12hr days some days now, and I'll be going into work at 7 instead of 8:30 (come on, lets be honest). So, I've been fiddling with my bedtime and waking time. It's been hard. I'm not used to going to bed so early and getting up even earlier.

Tonight I will be going into the new store for the very first time! :) We've been trainning out of the business office so far. I'm excited. Woo-Hoo!

Here is an old picture, the morning after the last halloween party (you can tell by the hair) of me eating some menudo. Mmm-mmm gooooooood! ;)

"I am ready. The sky is not the limit."